Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vote NOW

I have a secret to share with you. I LOVE TCBY's White Chocolate Mousse. There used to be a TCBY in Fayetteville, but it closed. There was still one in a gas station in Bentonville, but then in CLOSED!

Yes, I eat otehr cold treats, but I MISS my TCBY with MandM's. Does anyone get what I'm saying!? in fact, Tom used to surprise me with trips to TCBY all the time when we were dating...it's a special place! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....

NWA could be getting a new TCBY shop, but it's up to us!

A local couple is in a competition to win a TCBY giveaway...an entire STORE. RIGHT HERE IN NWA! You can watch the story KNWA did on the couple here or visit the TCBY page for more information on the contest here.


If you like TCBY like me, what is your favorite?

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