Warning: if you like cute kids clothes and great deals this site could impact your pocket book!
Ok, you've been warned. I wish my friend had warned me, but I'm so thankful she introduced me to this site. I actually bought the girls Easter dresses here and to say I got a deal would be a MAJOR understatement!
I know that zulily is not new, but it's new to me and if you're in the dark ages like me I thought I would share so you can enjoy this steal of a deal.
First, you have to sign up to look at the merchandise, but it's FREE!
Second, they will email you everyday with the newest deals and brand names they are featuring for the next few days.
Third, most of the items are 50-70% off. Yep, you read that right! Pretty awesome isn't it. And don't think it's cheap stuff...no it's awesome onesies, big tutu skirts, amazing outfits, shoes, baby gear, mommy gear, etc.
So,if you haven't already you need to check it out!
Once I get the girls dresses I'll share, but until then happy shopping. And remember you have been warned!
This is what we do.
9 years ago
You know how much the Harris girls love Zulily!!!! Daddy hates it!