Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Dreaded Resolution

Dun, dun, Duh! It's that time of year again. Will you commit to losing weight? Eating healthier? Working less? Playing more? Quitting smoking, drinking, etc?
So, it's that time of year to make that resolution that tends to haunt all of up come the first of the year. I don't know what to do this year. I definitely want to lose weight after I have the baby, but that's a given, so I want to do something else. I think maybe I want to read more. NO, not blogs, twitter, and facebook, but real books with lots of pages :)
Now, as I type this I still only have one child and it's hard for me to read as it is, so I can't imagine once we add a baby to the mix. BUT I want to do it. Plus we're starting a book review on THIS blog, so that will help keep me accountable!
So what are your goals? Have you ever accomplished your resolution in the past?

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