Thursday, October 14, 2010

Look Again...Because You Can. Don't Miss This!

You know her as the spunky personality that enters your living room every weeknight, but now KNWA anchor, Neile Jones, is sharing a story close to her heart.
It's her story. It's her story of survival. It's real. It's honest and it's 100% Neile. Behind the makeup, the hairspray, and smile on-air, Neile has a story she is sharing with YOU. It's her SURVIVAL story of a history of domestic violence. It's a read you wont want to miss. Here's KNWA's recent story on the new book release and where you can find a copy. Take time to read "Look Again...Because You Can." Neile wrote this book in hopes of helping others in similar circumstances. Even if you've never been the victim of abuse, reading this book could possibly help you understand what a loved one, friend, a co-worker is possibly going through.

If you sit down and read it, let me know what you think. There's already been a great response!

1 comment:

  1. Neile's book is one of the most honest books I have read. It is a powerful statement of courage, hope, love, and making a difference in spite of your circumstances.

    -Sarah Hickman
