I think most of you know by now that I'm pregnant. I'm about 12 weeks and we had our first doctors appointment to hear the heart beat. It is amazing and I love hearing!
Before going to the appointment 90% of our friends have been predicting a boy. I don't know why. Maybe because we already have a precious little girl, but it made me start thinking about all the gender predictions/myths out there so I wanted to know your thoughts.
For example, the heartbeat today was 172 which is fast. Typically, a fast heart beat leans towards a girl, BUT my brother and my nephews all had really fast heart beats the first time, so I'm not convinced. Plus a few years back before babies Tom and I did this ring test with our friends (totally just for fun) and it "predicted" we'd
have a girl then a boy. Well, so far it's right.
BUT what do you think? There are so many gender prediction tests out there. I know my best friend told me that if your hair (leg hair, hair on your head, eyebrows, etc) grows super fast then you're probably having a boy because it's triggered by
testosterone. Well, guess what she's having a BOY.
I know there are a million more tests like that, so please share and let me know if they were right with you! :)
We don't care honestly either way. We just want a healthy baby!