Don't worry I'm not going to tell you what happened THIS week, but I'm still in awe of the move the Heroes made LAST week.
WHY in the world would you give someone (no matter who they are) on the other tribe YOUR immunity IDOL? WHY? At this point in the game I'm not the HEROEs are going to outwit their competition. I really hope I'm wrong because I like the players on the heroes side.
If you follow this show (and you know all contestants, new and old watch the show) then YOU know Russell is tricky. He can seem manipulative, but he knows how to play this game. He's not even with the heroes much and they're convinced he's the underdog and GAVE HIM (yes, Russell) the hidden immunity! Oh my goodness. I'm watching tonight's episode right now and it's good.
Don't worry NO spoilers.
But I want to know what you think of this season?
I love Survivor............This season is amazing...